Month: November 2017

Kathy Moy: Chronic Back Pain

Kathy came to Dr. Mark Schlobohm and New Providence Chiropractic with chronic back pain. After just a few treatments with Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team, Kathy is now feeling much better! …

Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential!

Chiropractic care works with a respect for your child’s innate potential. It can help restore spinal pathways to and from the brain that will help your children to live up to their personal potential! Come talk to Dr. Mark Schlobohm and the team at New Providence Chiropractic about unlocking your …

Joe Fantuzzo: Lower Back Pain

Joe came to see Dr. Mark Schlobohm and New Providence with lower back pain. In just a few months working with Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team, Joe has noticed significant improvement and is no longer in pain. …

Stephanie Guerrero: Herniated Discs

Stephanie came to see Dr. Mark Schlobohm and New Providence Chiropractic with herniated discs in her back and neck. Through treatments with Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team, Stephanie is now doing much better. …

Don’t Get Knocked Out By Pain

Come see Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our friendly team at New Providence Chiropractic and learn how we can keep you in better health! With an adjustment, we can correct any dysfunctions before they knock you out!!! …

Mark Olson: Prevention & Golf Pain

Mark Olson came to Dr. Mark Schlobohm and New Providence for preventative maintenance. Along the way, Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team have helped Mark with his post-golf game back aches as well as ankle and shoulder injuries. …

Stop Suffering From Headaches!

Tension headaches are commonly caused by subluxations in the back and neck. With effective treatment from Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team at New Providence Chiropractic, we can stop your headaches and help you feel great again! …

Help Your Golf Swing!

Regular chiropractic care can save your swing and help prevent injuries! In fact, it can even help you improve your game! Come speak with Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our New Providence Chiropractic team about ways we can help you optimize your golf game!!! …

Kimberly Mollo: Whiplash Recovery

Kimberly came to Dr. Mark Schlobohm and New Providence Chiropractic with back pain stemming from an accident. After working with Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team, Kimberly is now feeling better than ever.…