Month: February 2017

New Doctor Recommendations For Overcoming Back Pain

It seems like this debate has been going on for decades. Alternate therapies are given negative labels, called ineffective because of a lack of medical studies and data affordable by a well financed, powerful and very aggressive medical industry.

Low back pain is horrible. It is the leading cause of …

Get A Fresh Start Today!

Starting Monday with an adjustment can make all the difference in how you feel the rest of the week! Come speak to Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our team at New Providence Chiropractic about how we can help you feel great!!! …

How To Stay Young & Healthy For The Next 100 Years!

Join Dr. Mark Schlobohm and our New Providence Chiropractic team on February 23rd from 7-9pm for a chance to WIN a $50 gift certificate to Charlie Brown’s!!!

Find details HERE